Optical system MINOLTA : INFINIUM IIB Digital system Sky-Skan : Definiti_PD Software: DigitalSky 2 Video system Sony : SRX-S110 Meridian resolution 4.0 K Sound 5.1 - 15,000w Dome: Astro-Tec, 160 deg., 53%, 14 deg.
Other: 70/8p (same dome) + 4.6m dome Konica-Minolta Lasershow AVI Skylase Portable: Yes
- 1967: 18.3m/248s/Zeiss III (from Zeiss II Griffith)
- 1999: building destroyed
- May 24, 2003: New building: (old Zeiss III in exhibition) Konica-Minolta + Dome: 18.3m/70mm + dome: 4.6m with Konica-Minolta: MediaGlobe
- 2007: Fulldome
- August 2011: closed for renovation: digital projectors, seats (from 163 to 170), painting dome, carpet
- End November 2011: reopening ($970,000)
- IPS 2012
Last major evolution: 2007: Digital
Latitude: 30°26'44" N -
Longitude: 91°11'25" W -
Altitude: 11m